The Resolution is the Easy Part
When we make resolutions, we’re usually identifying something about our lives we want to change. Realize this identification is just the first step - you must also follow through.
Small Success > Large Failures
It’s always best to build upon successes. Don’t try to radically alter your whole diet or decide you’re going to work out for an hour every day. Start off with a 10 minute walk everyday. Better to have success with that and build upon it than give up if you don’t meet your goal.
Make it Measurable
While it’s great to say you are going to ‘work less’ or ‘eat better’, what does that really mean? Instead try “I am going to work 3 hours less per month and commit that time to taking a yoga class or learning to play the trumpet.” Or “I am going to give up breads and crackers for 30 days”. These are defineable goals that YOU can achieve. Then when you get there, you can crank it up a notch!